Thursday, October 3, 2013


LESSON 4- The Laws Of Divine Fulfillment

The Oneself  may claim Divine Fulfillment upon perfectly expressing the Four Divine Intentions. The Laws of Divine Fulfillment are set forth to aid the Oneself on its journey to Fulfillment. Adherence to the Laws brings Hope, Love, Peace, and Happiness. Non-adherence to the Laws separates the Self from the One and brings despair, hate, chaos, and sorrow.

The Laws of Divine Fulfillment are:
The Law of One- There is only one true power. One true source from which all has arisen and to which all shall return...God, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, I Am, OM, the Universe is all One in the same.

The Law of RemembranceYou are of the Source. God is always with you because the One is within you.

The Law of Recognition- There is only one true source of all, therefore all embody the One.

Remember from which you came  and acknowledge that everything and everyone is birthed of that same source.
The Law of Movement- The Universal Energy is ever expanding, contracting, and ever vibrating. Inertia is an illusion created by the Self in an effort to deny the presence of the One.

The Law of Reflection (aka Law of Attraction)- Reflection is the means by which the Oneself manifest. You can only see that which you are. If you desire not to see fear then cease generating fearful energy and of course the reverse applies.  Thought is the tool used to manifest.

The Law of Conversion- Energy is neither created nor destroyed. God is the one true source energy. We are of God therefore the Oneself  has the power to convert energy. The process of Materialization is the conversion of manifested energy to being. The tools used to convert energy are emotions.
As a man thinketh so is he.
The Law of Free Will- As the Universe is every evolving and you are of that  universal energy, you are therefore every evolving within the matrix of the Universe. The Oneself is free to evolve through  The One via the perfect expression of the Divine Intentions which brings it back to Source. Or, it may choose to evolve through The Self, generating energy that opposes the Divine Intentions driving it away from Source.

Choose to evolve through The One and you will attract positive Divine Energy; Love/God, which operates on a high vibration (the Holy Spirit, Angels, Divine Ascended Masters, and Saints). Evolve through The Self, which means you are operating on a lower vibration and you will surely attract lower energy (negative spirits/not of Love aka God) which is the energy of Fear.

The Greatest Story Ever Told
The story of Adam and Eve was composed as a cautionary tale to demonstrate the outcome of choosing The Self over The One. Adam is the embodiment of the Oneself. The Garden of Eden represents The One which is The Divine Source. Eve represents The Self. The Serpent represents the illusion of lack. The perception of lack generates fear in The Self, which is Eve. Fear blocks Remembrance and Recognition. Adam, The Oneself, has but two choices; choose to evolve through The One or choose to evolve through The Self. He chooses to accept the illusion of lack thus driving him away from Source and  becomes what he has accepted as Truth.


  1. I LOVE this representation! I am not a Christian, but follow a different belief - but it is many paths that ld to the same journey to the Divine. Thank you for this. I have always had difficulty in speaking with Christians about this very thing. This makes it all make sense!

  2. Your welcome! And thank you for your comment. I am just like you. I spent my entire school life in Catholic school and grew up in a very religious home. I started meditating on and off at the age of 9 because everything I was hearing and seeing contradicted itself. These messages came to me after some serious meditation. I asked God to clarify some things for me. I was told to share this info. So happy it's helping folks. Hope, Love, Peace, and Happiness to you, Lisa:)

  3. Woah! "Fear blocks Remembrance and Recognition." This hit home for me. No one has ever put it to me like that. They just say to get rid of it. Thank you!
