Monday, April 6, 2015

Lessons of the Christ

Lessons of the Christ 
Jesus the Nazarene

This is a very special message I receive during Good Friday Mass on April 4, 2015.

I incarnated onto this 3rd dimensional Earth plane to reveal to you the secret to Ascension. We are ALL sons and daughters of God, therefore we are all born with the gift of Eternal Life, the Christ Spirit (God Spark/the Breath of Life). Christ Spirit cannot die because God cannot die. It is the substance of Unconditional Divine Love because God is Unconditional Divine Love. It can only Ascend or Descend. 

When Christ Spirit enters a body it gives it life. Your Christ Spirit is located in your Upper Heart Chakra. It is the center for generating Unconditional Divine Love.  This is different from Human Love, which is generated in the Heart Chakra. Unconditional Divine Love is loving as God loves; without separation.  

The Lesson of Unconditional Divine Love is demonstrated through my Crucifixion. The Lesson of The Christ Spirit is demonstrated by my Resurrection.  Through my death, burial, resurrection, and Ascension I demonstrate external circumstances, no matter how severe, can be overcome with Unconditional Divine Love. For the Christ Spirit is eternal and will Ascend with the ether of Unconditional Divine Love. 

I received this message right before communion when the parishioners said, "Lord I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed." 
Jesus the Nazarene abruptly interrupted me right after I said "Lord I am not worth".  He stated in the most loving tone, "You are worthy to receive because you have received my message. All who receive my message of Unconditional Divine Love are worthy of the drinking my blood and the eating of my body."