Saturday, July 17, 2021

Prayer to St. Christopher the “Christ Bearer”


St. Christopher, you were consecrated to bear the weight of the world upon your mighty shoulders when you executed the great task of carrying the Christ Child across the raging and rising river.

You are now called for a time such as this, to help those who are ready to enter into their place of refuge away from the Threshing Floor, pestilence, and disasters of the Great Tribulation.

Great Christ Bearer, place me and my loved ones who are ready to enter into our Pocket of Heaven upon your mighty shoulders and carry us safely across these treacherous planes into our Divinely chosen place of peace and prosperity.

Thank you St. Christopher for your service to humanity in the name of Christ Jesus/Lord Yeshua. 

(Channeled by Higher Realm Holstics -- QV)


  1. Thank you so much for sharing. I will say this prayer daily. Blessings to you and your loved ones QV and everyone reading this.

  2. Amen❣
    Yes, Please & Thank You , Holy Spirit , for carrying us to safety , under the Lords' protection, may we not miss a divine opportunity to be of Christs' divine service for humanity and the universe , giving praise to your name , for God is good. So mote it be, Amen .
