Monday, August 9, 2021

Shut Down 3D AI & Connect to 5D Divine Intelligence


Part I -- Disconnecting from 3D AI

(Envision shooting a bright white beam into the iris of the CERN AI shutting it down while saying this mantra 3x's)

I circumvent the AI of the 3-D Matrix by fully connecting with Divine Intelligence.

Part II -- Connecting with Divine Intelligence 

(Envision a white beam of light coming from The Eye of God Nebula into your Crown Chakra 3x's)

Divine Intelligence, I am here. I am open. And, I am ready. Guide me in manifesting my highest and best life now. 

(optional) Divine Intelligence, guide me in helping my Loved Ones manifest their highest and best lives now.

--Thank You God.


  1. Thank you Queen V! Much love to you for always sharing your experiences
    and wisdom with us. We got this! :)

  2. Thank you at soooooo many levels.

  3. You're a jewel from our Great Order Divine ... thank you for your works!!!

  4. Thank you so much sister my daughter's been also saying the macho the last couple days

  5. Iceland is still in the House Queen V ! Love Ya Dearly and all the Tribe members!Much Joy! E

  6. Thank you QV. Together we can make a difference. The baddies are few, we are many. Peace, love and light to all.
